We've noticed that CNNSI hasn't published one of former player Justin Gimelstob's "columns" since his little radio tirade that occurred during Wimbledon. Did they deep six the douchebag or what?
Sound harsh? Excuse me for not feeling very charitable toward the jerkoff. He appeared on some radio show during Wimbledon to call Anna Kournikova a "bitch" "scumbag" "douche" and someone he "despised to the maximum level, right below hate."
Had enough? But there's more - noting he was scheduled to play a mixed doubles match against her this summer during World Team Tennis, Gimel-dick talked about how he was going to "kick her asshole" and hit her with a 129 mph serve right in the stomach, "if she's not crying by the time she comes off court I haven't done my job."
Oh really? Who's strong enough to hit that 129 mph serve for him, Serena Williams? We all know Justin can't get it up anymore.
Gimelstob's Brother Murdered a Cop
Gimeldork offered to have Kournikova sleep with his brother, who is "kind of a stud." Yeah he's a stud alright. None of the articles about this controversy mention that said stud Josh Gimelstob pled guilty to negligent homicide for the hit and run death of a Tulane campus police officer in 1997. He left the scene and tried to get his jeep repaired to cover the crime up. The asshole served a lousy six month prison term. Maybe Justin has his own fantasies about Josh's studliness.
And yes, there's even more from the New Jersey Sage. He said women's tennis players "lack the social skills, they don't go to high school, they don't go to parties." Yeah. Frat parties. Dudes develop tons of top notch skills from slurping on the beer bong and passing out in dirty bathtubs.
Justin had some other locker room barbs for Nicole Vaisidova and Alize Cornet. Vaisidova didn't take offense, but that's because she's used to dating with losers like Radek Stepanek. Kournikova's only comment was that she was going to take the high road. She's grown up a lot since she was on the tennis tour and lives a relatively quiet existence.
Justin had some other locker room barbs for Nicole Vaisidova and Alize Cornet. Vaisidova didn't take offense, but that's because she's used to dating with losers like Radek Stepanek. Kournikova's only comment was that she was going to take the high road. She's grown up a lot since she was on the tennis tour and lives a relatively quiet existence.
"Being pro-women's rights, I just think we've come farther than to be referred to like this," said Williams. "Anna is a great girl. For anyone to say that about her is not professional. It's just totally uncalled for. Unless you really know these people, you talk to these people, you never know what people go through. It's not good to say those things about people."
Truth and Consequences
Gimelstob was suspended by Team Tennis for one match and he issued an apology. A far bigger issue is his recent election to the ATP Board of Directors, which happened before the incident. Gimelstob was hired by CNNSI to write tennis columns but that seems to have stopped. The columns were mostly wastes of time, like when he defended his bro Andy Roddick from what he perceived as unfair criticism by Jon Wertheim, the real tennis journalist at CNNSI. That was ridiculous, since Wertheim is a frequent Roddick defender and all Wertheim said was that Roddick needed to do something about the attitude he developed with Jimmy Connors. (He did; he parted ways with Jimbo)
Unfortunately the usually strong Wertheim sort of defended Gimelstob after the incident. I wish Wertheim and CNNSI would weigh in on this. If the guy has been fired they need to say so. My take on it is simple: you have free speech, but private employers retain the right to make you suffer the consequences. That's apparently a tough concept for the Gimelstob family.
Josh was even worse than he made out. He got a 6 month suspended sentence (didn't serve a day in jail) for killing a cop.
A few years after killing a cop in a drunken haze, he went on a high speed chase through the backwoods of New Jersey. Cops clocked him at 100mph before calling off the chase because it was too dangerous for them. The cops found Josh a few minutes wandering around his wrecked G-wagon in a drunken stupor.
Also, his dad was accused of running a financial ponzi scheme of some sort a while back. Can't remember the details.
Sounds like a hell of a family.
Clay, you're wrong too, Josh was in no drunken stupor. He's a guy who was pretty affected by what he had done in the past and let's just say has problems. The accident had nothing to do with drugs and alcohol. How about you mind your own business besides talking crap about things you have no idea about.
Just saw this. Josh served six months in the Orleans Parish boot camp program. Other parts of his sentence like community service quietly went away. To see why look up Judge Frank Marullo and his son Pascal. BTW when Josh took the Jeep to the body shop, he told them he hit a deer to account for the bits oF Gil stuck on the car. Nice... None of these peopleever showed the slightest remorse.
How do I know all this? I was the one who got the call in the middle of the night saying Gil was dead..
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